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Aircraft Accident Investigators

 The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) requires that a civil aircraft accident be investigated by an independent body belonging to the country where the accident took place.

Each country has its own organization taking responsibility for this. An aviation accident investigator may also be called an air safety investigator. They investigate, study and report on airplane crashes to figure out how and why they happened. Aviation accident investigators cover a myriad of areas and try to discover the cause of accidents. This is done through various means including interviewing survivors, reviewing and analyzing flight and maintenance records, studying human performance issues and operations, examining engines, systems, instruments and other airplane parts, Including operations, flight recorders, structures, cabin safety, aircraft performance (engineering), airports, air traffic services, and power plant (engines). to try and figure out what caused an accident.

Analysis of data from the flight recorders may be the only way of establishing what happened in some aircraft accidents, particularly if they occur at night or where there is little recoverable wreckage. They are also very useful when a sudden event, such as a change in wind speed or direction, is the prime cause of an accident.

The mission of the investigative team is to produce an interim report within four to eight weeks that will be sent to all the interested parties for their comments. Safety recommendations are always given priority, so that any changes can be put into place as soon as possible. A final report will appear some time after the investigation and will be published on the website of the investigative organization. This final report includes all the factual information collected in the course of the investigation, an analysis of the information, and a conclusion which gives the cause of the accident or incident and any safety recommendations arising.

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